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Dr. Harlan Kilstein

Dr. Harlan Kilstein

Dr. Harlan Kilstein is one of the foremost marketers today. He has generated over 100 million dollars in sales in the past 20 years.His clients run 7,8 and 9 figure businesses.He has a doctorate in education (Ed.D.) and did post graduate work at the prestigious Harvard Graduate School of Education.Harlan Kilstein is also the owner and publisher of the DogingtonPost: The Internet’s Newspaper For Dogs. The DogingtonPost reaches approximately 2.5 million people each week.In January 2017 Harlan went Keto and a month later he founded the Completely Keto website and Facebook group. Now, 18 months later he has over 600,000 followers on Facebook with hundreds of thousands devouring his Keto recipes each week.He is the author of [easyazon_link identifier=”0692078207″ locale=”US” tag=”beachmillions-20″]CompletelyKeto[/easyazon_link], Completely Keto Cheesecake Recipes, and Speed Ketosis.